



The powder mixing machine V-20 is used for mixing of dry granulate material in pharmaceutical,food-stuff, chemical and other industries Working Principle 25.

Featuring unique structure, high mixing Function and uniform mixing, the mixing barrel is made of stainless with polished internal and external walls. And this machine has beautiful appearance, uniform mixing and wide application.

The structure is simple, operation is easy. The contacted parts with materials are made of stainless steel, with beautiful shape, easy for maintaining and cleaning.
It is equipped with motor and reducer, the motor power transmit to the reducer by belts, then transmit to the V-drums by the coupling, which make the V-drums continue running, driving materials mixing fully.

The cylindrical structure of this machine is its distinguishing feature and its mixing ability is well-proportioned and efficient with no blind spots in the cylinders and no accumulation of materials.

The structure of this machine is straightforward and it is easy to operate with surfaces that are easy to clean in a high finished stainless steel.
Operation and Maintenance
1. Fixing: Place the machine squarely on the flat so it will run smoothly and efficiently.
2. Before use, add oil to the add oil point.
3. Then run an empty load. Check the action carefully to make sure the machine is in good working order.
4. Rolling the feeder station. Open the lid. Feed in the materials making sure not to exceed the 40% limit of the cylinder.
5. Close the feeder lid. Run the machine. Stop if any abnormality occurs.
6. Cleaning surface inside and out when changing materials or when finished a run.

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082214263815 | 022 20671507


RK Teknik Sipil distributor peralatan pengujian alat laboratorium teknik sipil dan industri konstruksi. produk kami di rancang untuk pekerjaan pengujian tanah, batuan, beton, aspal, semen dan preparasi mining. alat laboratorium teknik sipil yang kami jual merupakan alat yang berkualitas, harga murah dan bergaransi serta layanan purna jual (after sales service). alat kami telah banyak digunakan oleh kontraktor konstruksi gedung jalan dan jembatan, perguruan tinggi, BUMN hingga pemerintah pupr dan inspektorat.

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