Jual Laboratory Disc Mill

Power source : Electromotor, 3 phase 3 HP/2,2 KW, 220 – 380 V 50 Hz, 4 Pole Disc: Rotary Disc and stationary disc, 20 cm diameter, 4 cm thick Capacity : 10 to 50 kg/hour depend of sample and gap setting Dimensions: 75x75x100cm

Jual Alat Jaw Crusher

Manfaat menggunakan Jaw Chrusher adalah mengurangi biaya modal penggunaan secara fleksibilitas, penggunaan secara berkelanjutan, aplikasi laboratorium, lapangan dan pabrik, dirancang dengan saklar tunggal yang mekanis sederhana, namun dapat diandalkan untuk kemudahan...

Jual Hardgrove Grindability

Power Source Electromotor : 3 Phase 0,5 Hp, 0,4 kW Ball Grinder : 8 Pieces steel ball, 1 Inchi diameter Voltage : 220 – 380 Volt 50 Hz 4 Pole Complete with digital preset counter and optional loader

Jual Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker

Power source: electromotor, 1 phase, 0,5 HP/0,37 KW, 110-220 V 50 Hz, 4 Pole Motion: circular > 246 Rpm Taps > 65 Taps/min Capacity: 6 sieves, 1 pan & cover 8″ diameter Dimensions: 105x45x90cm

Jual Lab Pulverizer

Spesifikasi : Power source : electromotor, 3 phase, 3 HP/4 KW, 220-380 V, 50 Hz, 4 Pole – vertical Grinding head : Manganese steel stype: C.2000, C.1000 & C.800 Dimensions: 100x69x130cm This machine must be provide with mill mate (CL.302.01) and completed by air...
Jual Alat Rotary Sample Devider

Jual Alat Rotary Sample Devider

Spesifikasi : Power source : electromotor, 1 phase 0,5 HP/0,37 KW, 110-220 V, 50 Hz, 4 Pole Capacity : 120 kg / 50 kg / 15 kg / 8 kg Turn table: 60 Rpm 8 pcs sample segments of stainless with electronic vibrator controller
Jual Alat Vane Shear Test

Jual Alat Vane Shear Test

VANE SHEAR TEST alat vane shear test digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari nilai kuat geser tanah (yield stress) dan viskositas dari uji geser baling baling dibandingkan dengan data terpublikasi kuat geser dan viskositas dari penelitian yang ada. Spesifikasi vane...

Jual Alat Kosolidasi Tanah

Spesifikasi : JS-515 CONSOLIDATION TEST SET ASTM D-2435 / AASHTO T-216 For determining the rate and magnitude of consolidation of soil when it is restrained laterally , loadded and drain axially . Consolidation Frame Frame Cast alumunium, two test unit 1 set Loading...

Jual Direct Shear Test Alat Uji Geser Langsung

  Spesifikasi : JS-525.e ELECTRIC DIRECT SHEAR TEST SET ASTM D-3080 / AASHTO T-236 For determining shearing resistance of soil sample. Loading Machine Frame Welded steel frame hand operated 1 pc Loading Hanger Machined steel, galvanized, supplied without load 1...

Jual Triaxial Test Alat Lab Tanah

Alat Triaxial Test UU – CU – CD Spesifikasi: JS-600 TRIAXIAL TEST SET ASTM D-2850 The Triaxial Test Set provides test Load up to 100kgf at any speed 0,00 mm to 5.00 mm per minute. This feature provides the capabilty for use in application such as constant...
Jual Core Drill Di Denpasar Bali

Jual Core Drill Di Denpasar Bali

JUAL CORE DRILL DI DENPASAR , CORE DRILL ASPAL DAN BETON DENPASAR jual core drill aspal core drill beton di surabaya mesin bensin bisa pilih mata bor sesuai budget , kualitas produk terjamin bergaransi dan terpercaya Spesifikasi Core drill : JI-400 CORE DRILLING TEST...

Jual Slump Test Di Denpasar Bali

JUAL ALAT SLUMP TEST BETON DI DENPASAR , ALAT SLUMP TEST DENPASAR Spesifikasi : JC-370 SLUMP TEST SET ASTM C-143 / AASHTO T-119 For determining slump/workability of concrete both in the laboratory and in the field Slump Cone “Heavy gauge sheet steel,...
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